
Fill in the patient experience gaps with LiveHealth Insights.

Get real-time data collection from patients to provide immediate feedback while onsite.
LiveHealth Insights (LHI) integrates with either your patient portal or native app to push questions in real-time during their visit or right after. With LiveHealth Insights, there’s no more need for a patient data upload to send your survey questions. LHI uses a Software Development Kit to seamlessly integrate with the software you are already using and provides a unique opportunity for real-time service recovery.

Ask questions specific to your needs

With questions tailored to your patient experience goals, you get data you can actually use – right on the spot – so you can improve care in real time. Use both preprogrammed questions and custom questions to get a full 360 view of the patient's experience.

Get instant feedback on important topics

Instant feedback allows you to pinpoint areas for improvement while patients are still onsite, giving your providers the ability to rectify any issues before the patient leaves. With LHI, there’s no more waiting weeks or months to get feedback. Learn about and respond to issues before the patient ever leaves your facility.

Pinpoint potential issues effectively

Utilize our real-time, interactive dashboard to track responses, trends and pinpoints. Use our standard questions to benchmark with peers and custom questions to address internal concerns as they arise.
HIPAA Compliant.
Internal messages through the platform.
Improve CAHPS scores.
Unlimited custom questions and data points.
Benchmark with peers.
Increase patient retention by engaging them in their experience.

It all starts with an email or phone call!

Contact us today for a free demo or to learn more about how our solutions can elevate your operation.
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